Tag Archives: entertainment

a shot of awkward, straight up

14 Jun

So who spiked everyone’s drinks with a little dose of awkward at this years MTV Movie Awards?

The MTV Movie Awards should be a night of relaxed fun for the stars who are looking more at Oscar nods than for a shout out from the channel that provides quality television like Teen Mom and Jersey Shore.  Instead, it was a night filled with overly-punchy jokes, self-concious presenters, and stars in ridiculously high heels.

The event started out a little rough with British comedian and recently divorced Russel Brand’s opening monologue.  After seeing Brand live at an event at Northeastern, I became a fan.  Sadly, this was not his shining moment.  Not so surprisingly, this year’s bad boy Charlie Sheen was the celebrity that received the most attention from the host.  Brand made the obvious drug and alcohol references and like any self respecting middle aged addict, Sheen seemed unfazed and even excited at times to be called on.  However, Sheen wasn’t really the one being made fun of.  Many of Brand’s jokes were targeted at democracy and American government… a little heavy for an award show I’d say.

Besides those jabs, Brand truly went too far with the one-liner about his failed marriage to pop princess Katy Perry.  Don’t ya think thats a little too soon Rus?  At least when his pool of celeb criticism grew dry, he always had his oh so clever punchline of the night to fall back on: “Twilight! Hunger Games!”

Russel Brand at the MTV Movie Awards

Luckily, a little heat was taken off Brand with the first presenters of the night: Ted co-stars Mila Kunis and Mark Wahlberg.  Disastrous.  First, an audience member yelled something at Kunis which upset her and Wahlberg.  At home viewers were left in total confusion as the original comment was inaudible, and then Wahlberg’s response was bleeped out.  All of this took place in the middle of an already awkward presentation in which the stars had to read from a script that threw Mother Teresa and Bono under the bus as huge dirtbags.  If these are the unfortunate lines given to you, just go with it.  Don’t apologize Mila and blame it on the teleprompter.  At this point, I was thoroughly tempted to change the channel.  Good thing I didn’t.

“Mother Teresa. Famous for her charity work. Huge, huge dirtbag.”

By continuing to watch this rapidly unraveling awards show, I was able to get a good laugh out of watching girl after girl cautiously stride out onto the stage while putting all of her body weight on her male co-presenter because her shoes were too damn high!  Ladies, do us all a favor and opt for the 9 inch stilettos instead of the 10 inch ones.  It really is impressive when you can walk on your own.

That’s it, baby steps Leighton.

After all of this, I breathed a deep sigh of relief at the always hilarious Emma Stone.  Emma saved the night.  She was the steady rock of hilarity, beauty and inspiration in this storm of awkward.  Her award presentation for break through performance had the audience roaring after she revitalized us with her signature style of… less than wholesome family fun language .  The now blonde actress barely even looked at a teleprompter and instead chose to gaze at her adorable boyfriend and Spider Man costar, Andrew Garfield.

Later in the evening, Stone was honored with the MTV Trailblazer award and accepted it with incredible poise and grace.  Through watery eyes, Emma sent this message to fans:

“Continue to harness your own originality and what makes you unique… because sometimes what sets you apart can feel like a burden, and it’s not.  And a lot of the time it’s what makes you great.”

In one night she brought both laughter and tears to the audience and rocked a chic color block peplum dress while doing it.  That’s my kind of girl.

Amen for Emma

What other MTV Movie Award moments made you cringe or made you laugh?  Let us know!

not so sex(y) and the city

31 May

Girls. A new HBO series chronicling four twenty-something-year-old characters living in New York City that promises the most realistic sex on TV.  Sounds intriguing right? The plot line immediately rings a bell for every woman in America with a working cable box: Sex and the City. With trailers depicting witty banter and various sexual encounters, it was only natural that I set my standards high and hoped the series would be every bit as good as Carrie Bradshaw and her friends. And oh how I was so so wrong.

Here’s a breakdown of the show:

Girls: check. Gossip: check. Sex: check. Sexy, enviable characters with killer closets and A-list appearances: uhh.

The main character’s wardrobe consists of clothes typically found in the closet of a 60-year-old cat lady (in one episode she wore a button up sweater with cartoon peaches on it..someone get the girl a mirror!). Her makeup is always smeared in strange streaks across her face and her hair is in no particular style at all. But that’s not the worst part.

The encounters between the girls and various other characters: boyfriends, boy toys, hookups, parents and even bosses; are nothing short of awkward. Not the normal awkward, the grimace-at-the-TV-and-turn-away-in-humiliation-awkward. It physically hurts me to watch a full episode because I end up squinting so hard at the TV I give myself a headache. It’s like a train wreck you just can’t turn away from.

This is the mystique of Girls. A show so awkward it’s compelling. Series like Gossip Girl or Sex and the City showcase sex in its glammed-up version: perfect bodies and passionate kisses and clothes that seem to rip off with ease. Girls, on the other hand, paints a more realistic picture: average Jane and Joe up-close and personal (seriously, very personal) in all their awkward glory. Sure, it’s not perfect, but its this element of reality that has me hooked.

While I may cringe in sympathy pains as I watch the characters endure one unfortunate situation after another, I cannot help but tune in every Sunday at 10:30 p.m. to see what the newest episode will bring. It is a show so wrong it’s almost right (except for the sweater with peaches on it, that was sinfully wrong). Watch and decide for yourself!


(video taken from YouTube.com)